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Modded Borderlands 2 Weapons Rating: 7,0/10 2458 reviews

The modded gear will be deleted by the sanity check once you start your game back up. Also if you have modded items, you can still earn trophies. In order to get modded gear to ps4, you will need a ps3 with a copy of borderlands 2 along with bruteforce save data and gibbed.

Unique Weapons are often offered as quest rewards. They are similar to Legendary Weapons in that they often have a special, unique effect. However, these items can be only obtained once each playthrough because of the nature of quest rewards.


  • Teapot - Quest reward from Tiny Tina You Are Cordially Invited: Party Prep
  • Judge - Drops from Assassin Only in Southpaw Steam and Power
  • Miss Moxxi's Rubi - Quest reward from MoxxiRakkaholic Anonymous
  • Practical Fibber - Quest reward from 'A Real Boy'
  • Veritas - Quest reward from Clan War: Wakey Wakey
  • Flynt's Tinderbox - Drops from Captain Flynt
  • Gwen's Head - Found in a box near the Buzzard camp in The Dust
  • Lady Fist - Quest reward from Una Mailbox in 'Uncle Teddy'
  • Dahlminator - Quest reward from 'The Lost Treasure'
  • Law - Drops from the Sheriff of Lynchwood


  • Three Dog - Drop from Assassin Rouf in Southpaw Steam and Power
  • Triquetra - Quest reward from Clan War: End of the Rainbow
  • Moxxi's Heartbreaker - Quest reward from Safe and Sound
  • Shotgun 1340 - Quest reward from Marcus during Out of Body Experience
  • Blockhead - Drops from Badass Creepers
  • Octo - Quest reward from Slap Happy mission
  • Roksalt - Quest reward from 'Splinter Group'
  • Landscaper - Quest reward from Family Feud: Dueling Banjos and Fiddles
  • Tidal Wave - Quest reward from Hyperion Mailbox in 'Uncle Teddy'
  • Teeth of Terramorphous - Drops from Terramorphous

Assault Rifles[edit]

  • Scorpio - Quest reward from Bearer of Bad News
  • Evil Smasher - Quest reward from The Chosen One
  • Hail - Quest reward from 'Bandit Slaughter: Round 5'
  • Stomper - Quest reward from 'Hungery Like the Skag'

Sniper Rifles[edit]

  • Buffalo - Quest reward from 'Demon Hunter'
  • Fremington's Edge - Drops from Assassin Reeth
  • Trespasser - Quest reward from Animal Rights quest
  • Sloth - Quest reward from Mordecai in Rakkoholics Anonymous
  • Morning Star - Quest reward from Hyperion Contract#873
  • Chère-amie - Quest reward from Hyperion Slaughter: Round 5

Rocket Launchers[edit]

  • Roaster - Quest reward from 'Note to Self-Person'
  • Miss Moxxi's Creamer - Quest reward from Creature Slaughter: Round 5
  • The Hive - Saturn, Arid Nexus - Badlands
Borderlands 2 modded weapons disappear


  • Bane - Quest reward from The Bane, Lynchwood
  • Miss Moxxi's Good Touch - Reward from tipping Moxxi $20,000 or more
  • Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch - Reward from tipping Moxxi $10,000 or more
  • Lascaux - Found in a pond in the caves in Frostburn Cavern, respawns
  • Chulainn - Quest reward from Clan War
  • Commerce - Drops from Assassin Wot in Southpaw Steam and Power
  • Bone Shredder - Drops from Bonehead 2.0 in Arid Nexus - Badlands


  • Kiss of Death - Quest reward from Hell Hath No Fury
  • Fuster Cluck - Quest reward from The Pretty Good Train Robbery
  • Sky Rocket - Unlocked with Special Editions of Borderlands 2
  • Breath of Terramorphous - dropped by Terramorphous, Terramorphous Peak
  • Elephant Gun - Random drop from the DrifterArizona in the Egg on Your Face side mission.
  • Sir Hammerlock's Damned Cowboy - Chance to drop from Bloodtail in the Now You See It side mission
  • Sir Hammerlock's Rex - Chance to drop from Bulstoss in the An Acquired Taste side mission.
  • Chopper - An Assault Rifle that can be dropped by defeating the secret Raid BossDexidous the Invincible.
  • Lead Storm - A Seraph-Rare Assault rifle that can be purchased from the vender in the Hunter's Grotto lodge.
  • Interfacer - A Seraph-Rare Shotgun that can be purchased at the vendor in the Hunter's Grotto lodge.
  • Twister - A shotgun that has a chance to be dropped by a fully leveled up Savages called Omnd-Omnd-Ohk.
  • Hydra A Jakobs shotgun dropped by Rogue in the Big Feet side mission.
  • Infection - Purchasable at the Seraph vendor in Hunter's Grotto.
  • Yellow Jacket - An E-TechSMG that has a chance to be dropped by Jackenstein in the Fall of Nakayama main quest.
  • Hawk Eye - A Sniper Rifle purchasable at the Hunter's Grotto Seraph vendor.
  • The Rough Rider - A shield that can be dropped by Bulwark in the Palling Around side mission.
  • Breath of the Seraphs - A Relic that can be purchased at the Seraph vendor in Hunter's Grotto.

Mad Moxxi's Heartbreaker - Obtainable only through Shift codes provided by Gearbox. Available from February 14th, 2013 to February 17th 2013.


Borderlands 2 features a huge range of Weapons with an insane number of specialized features. Gearbox is placing more emphasis on giving weapons produced by specific corporations more defined characteristics. The intent of the weapons pages are to give you some sense of how weapons work generally in Borderlands 2 -- not to list the nearly infinite combinations of weapons. Make sure to check out the Brands/Manufacturers page for a list of the different special properties each manufacturer provides.

Weapon Types[edit]

Modded Borderlands 2 WeaponsModded borderlands 2 weapons

The weapon types in Borderlands 2 are:




No Longer Exist as Weapon Manufacturers

Weapon Rarity[edit]

The following is weapon rarity based on the drop rate of that item and its overall stats.

generic firearms

  • White - Common
  • Green - Common
  • Blue - Uncommon
  • Purple - Rare
  • Orange - Super Rare
  • Pearlescent - Epically Rare


  • Magenta - Rare

Seraph [edit]

  • Pink - Can only be obtained from the various Seraph vendors in the DLC add-ons.

Unique Weapons[edit]

Unique Weapons are often Green, Blue, Purple, Magenta Colored with red quotes offered as quest rewards, and sometimes have unique effects. However, these items can be only obtained once each playthrough because of the nature of quest rewards.

Legendary Weapons[edit]

Legendary Weapons are Orange colored with red quotes, have special effects, and are only dropped when you defeat most bosses, but they don't always drop them -- if you're intent on grabbing one and didn't get a drop at the end of a battle; save, quit, and reload your game anytime to respawn bosses.

Pearlescent Weapons[edit]

Pearlescent weapons are ultra-rare weapons which are available in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. Pearlescent weapons are only available to players who have purchased the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack or the Season Pass. Pearlesent weapon are obtained by killing Legendary Loot Midgets But can also be obtained by killing anything really but has a higher rate to drop from legendary loot midgets and Raid Bosses.

Borderlands 2 Modded Weapons Codes Xbox 360

OMGWTF op boss counts as a Pearlesent raid boss in this case.

Borderlands 2 Modded Weapons Pc

No More Room In Hell Weapons