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Insecure Connection In Internet Explorer Rating: 5,9/10 2388 reviews
Insecure Connection In Internet ExplorerYour

Ignore Insecure Connection Internet Explorer

In Internet Explorer - This website uses an insecure connection. This website uses an insecure encryption protocol, and your connection may not be private. This problem might indicate an attempt to intercept any data.

I've got a couple problems with some websites not working but others do work:

IE can't go to microsoft.com but it can for example go to bleepingcomputer.com. When trying to go to microsoft.com it says 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage'. But bing.com does work.

Meanwhile Firefox can't go to google.com, or microsoft.com either. It says they use an invalid security certificate. But IE can go to google.com.

Google Insecure Connection Error

Also, on IE, the news pages on bleepingcomputer.com don't load the css stylesheets (but they do on the forum), and on Firefox the stylesheets don't load on mozilla.org. Sites like majorgeeks will work somewhat but then when I get through to some download links they get the cannot display the webpage error.

Firefox Insecure Connection Fix

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