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“The Spoils of War” the fourth episode of Game of Thrones season 7, has landed. What did we think of it? Read our thoughts below, tell us yours in the comments, and vote in the poll! Rank 7 QM enchantments will ensure mostly Spoils of War drops - and though opening them might only give you rank 2 enchantments or low level potions if you just have 1 or 2 rank 7s, you can drop the Spoils in the coffer unopened for 350 Surplus Equipment points.

  1. Neverwinter Spoils Of War Movie

Spoils of War


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Quest chain
Previous questLeads to
Tactical Thinking
Mankind - Redefined
Ad Victoriam
Banished from the Institute
If the Institute finds out the Agitator's there, they'll do everything they can to keep it out of our hands.— Ingram

Spoils of War is a Brotherhood of Steel main quest in Fallout 4.

Quick walkthroughEdit

Brotherhood main quest: Spoils of War
Speak with Proctor Ingram.
Inform the Institute.
Board the vertibird and fly to Mass Fusion building.
Leads to: Mass Fusion
Read the terminal to locate the Beryllium agitator.
Retrieve the Executive keycard.
Proceed to the Reactor level.
(Optional) Restore power to the elevator.
Enter the reactor room.
Take the Beryllium Agitator.
Eliminate the security robots.
(Optional) Assist Brotherhood forces in the lobby.
Exit Mass Fusion.
Speak with Proctor Ingram at the Boston Airport.
Reward: 600+ XP
Leads to: Ad Victoriam

Detailed walkthroughEdit

Fly to Mass FusionEdit

Proctor Ingram explains that in order to fully power up Liberty Prime, they need a beryllium agitator. The only beryllium agitator available is located in the Mass Fusion building. Ingram insists that she should accompany the player character to get the agitator, because her technical knowledge will be essential for the mission. There is a Vertibird docked at the Prydwen that will fly to the roof of the Mass Fusion building when the player character is ready to go. Taking the Vertibird officially makes the player character get Banished from the Institute.

As the Vertibird closes in on the Mass Fusion roof, a contingent of synths will open fire. Take out as many as possible with the Vertibird's minigun. Make use of the various explosive containers spread across the roof. After a period of time, the pilot informs the player character that the Vertibird has sustained a dangerous amount of damage and needs to leave.

Jump to Mass Fusion's roofEdit

At this point, the player character is given a prompt to disembark from the Vertibird and land on the roof. Clear out any remaining synths and head inside the structure.

Locate the beryllium agitatorEdit

Proceed to the upper level and take the Mass Fusion executive lab password and ID from a desk. Access the marked executive research lab terminal-- either with the password or by hacking if the password was left on the desk-- and read the file from 07-30-77 to determine the location of the agitator.

Retrieve the executive keycardEdit

If the player character did not grab the ID before the previous step, leave the terminal room and take it from the desk on the left to complete this objective. The ID is needed to use the elevator that leads into the building.

Proceed to the reactor levelEdit

Use the ID on the card slot in the elevator to activate it. After a short spectacle of riding the elevator down while overlooking the Boston skyline, the player character will load into the building's interior. While the elevator slowly descends, synths will teleport into the building on the various platforms around the room and attack the player character and Proctor Ingram. As the elevator approaches a glass floor, the synths will set off an explosion, knocking out the power and stopping the elevator.

Next, the player character must reach the lobby either by reactivating the power and continuing to ride the elevator down, or by dropping down a hole in the floor and traversing to the bottom. If the player character chooses the latter, a number of synths will attack them along the way; choosing the former avoids most of these encounters (unless otherwise sought after the fact).

(Optional) Restore power to the elevator
There are two methods of turning the power back on: the player character can either hack a computer located in a room to the left of the elevator or climb to the floor above and throw a switch (also located in a room to the left).

The Strength bobblehead is located in the upcoming area.

Once in the lobby, take care of the nearby synths and head to the left to find the marked elevator. Swipe the ID card to open the doors and ride down to the reactor level. After exiting the elevator, head to the right and down the stairs to the control room.

Enter the reactor chamberEdit

Removal of the beryllium agitator will trigger the security system, which consists of five ceiling-mounted turrets, a sentry bot, two assaultrons and two protectrons. If the player character cannot hack Master terminals, they may want to manually take out as many robots as they can access before going into the reactor chamber. Otherwise, they can hack the reactor security control terminal in the main control room. This terminal has the option to disable security, but it fails; instead, use it to open the security doors. Go into the now-open room that contains the inactive sentry bot and access the facilities terminal inside to disable the security system.

If the player character approaches Ingram, she will ask whether they have enough radiation protection on hand. Any answer given will lead to her giving the player character two Rad-Xs. Ingram indicates that there are probably some items lying around that can also help. There are three hazmat suits in the area - two regular, one damaged. One is in the locker room, on a locker's shelf. The other regular suit is on top of a safe in the office under the stairs next to the decontamination airlock. The damaged suit is in a drawer in front of the window of the airlock. Power armor is also a sufficient method of protection if the player character happens to be wearing it.

Head into the airlock and press the button. The doors will shut and the player character will be sprayed, which will cure any radiation poisoning. After decontamination, the door to the reactor chamber will open. The player character will begin soaking up a lot of rads upon entering the chamber, so be prepared before continuing.

Unlock the reactorEdit

Walk up the scaffolding to the top of the room. Press the marked interlock release button to the right of the gray orb with blue lights in order to expose the agitator.

Take the beryllium agitatorEdit

Take the agitator from its housing, which triggers the security system if still enabled.

Eliminate reactor level security
If the security system was triggered, destroy all of the aforementioned active robots to complete this objective.

Exit Mass FusionEdit

Go back down the scaffolding and out of the reactor room. Press the button for the airlock and wait for the decontamination. Return to the elevator and take it back up to the lobby.

As the elevator ascends, another explosion occurs. The Institute has sent reinforcements, but so has the Brotherhood of Steel. Ingram will tell the player character to leave with the agitator while she stays behind. The player character can either heed her advice and run for the exit, or stay and help finish off the synths.

(Optional) Assist Brotherhood forces in the lobby
Staying until all of the synths are defeated will complete this objective.

Return to Boston AirportEdit

Leave the building and travel back to Boston Airport.

Speak to Proctor IngramEdit

Once at the airport, speak to Ingram at the base of Liberty Prime to complete the quest. If Tactical Thinking is already finished, Ad Victoriam will begin. Otherwise, Ingram will take the beryllium agitator and store it until Ad Victoriam starts.

Companion reactionsEdit

Agree to let Ingram go to Mass Fusion.
Tell Ingram it is 'her funeral' when agreeing to let her come to Mass Fusion.
Agree to let Ingram go to Mass fusion and tell her it is 'her funeral' after initially refusing.
Refuse to let Ingram go to Mass Fusion.
After refusing to let Ingram go to Mass Fusion, agree to let her go.
After refusing to let Ingram go to Mass Fusion, refuse to let her go again.

Quest stagesEdit

StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
10Speak to Proctor IngramI've been informed that Proctor Ingram once again has requested my assistance at the airport.
20Board the vertibirdI need to recover something called the 'Beryllium Agitator' from the ruins of Mass Fusion. I should board a vertibird and head over there as soon as possible.
30(Optional) Inform the Institute
40Jump to Mass Fusion's RoofI've arrived at Mass Fusion. I should begin searching the Executive Suites on the roof of the building for any traces of the Beryllium Agitator.
50Locate the Beryllium AgitatorAfter searching the Executive Suites at Mass Fusion, it's apparent that the Beryllium Agitator has been moved elsewhere. I should continue investigating the building to discover its location.
One of the terminals at Mass Fusion has indicated that the Beryllium Agitator is located in the building's basement reactor. I'll need to find a keycard to access the facility's executive elevator.
70Retrieve the Executive KeycardI've located the keycard to Mass Fusion's executive elevator. I should use it to continue my search for the Beryllium Agitator.
80Proceed to the Reactor Level
90(Optional) Restore power to the Elevator
100Enter the Reactor Chamber
110Unlock the Reactor
120Take the Beryllium AgitatorAfter fighting my way through Mass Fusion, I've arrived at the Reactor Level. I now need to find a way to remove the Beryllium Agitator from the reactor.
130Eliminate Reactor Level security
140Exit Mass FusionMass Fusion's reactor is now unlocked, and should allow me access to the Beryllium Agitator.
150(Optional) Assist Brotherhood Forces in the Lobby
160Return to Boston AirportWith the Beryllium Agitator in hand, I should head back up to Mass Fusion's lobby and exit the building.
170Speak to Proctor IngramInstitute Synths are trying to prevent me from leaving with the Beryllium Agitator. I could help my fellow Brotherhood soldiers fight them off, or I could leave the building as fast as possible.
I've successfully helped the Brotherhood fend off the Institute Synth's attack on Mass Fusion. I should now bring the Beryllium Agitator to Proctor Ingram at the airport.
255Quest completeNow that the Beryllium Agitator is safely in the Brotherhood's hands, it can be set aside for future use.
355Quest failed


  • Boarding the Vertibird results in the Sole Survivor becoming an enemy of the Institute:
    • Any incomplete Institute quests (including Mass Fusion) automatically fails; Banished from the Institute begins.
    • Underground Undercover automatically fails; Burning Cover begins.
  • This quest can be completed without starting Liberty Reprimed by informing the Brotherhood of Steel during Mass Fusion, however Ad Victoriam will not start afterwards if the Sole Survivor had previously gained access to the Institute with help from either the Minutemen or the Railroad.
  • Drinking the water in the reactor room or physically touching the agitator's housing before the reactor is turned off will instantly kill the Sole Survivor. If the 3rd rank of the Lead Belly perk is acquired, drinking the water will not be instantly fatal but will still cause a small amount of damage.
  • If X6-88 is the active companion during this quest, he will drop out of the Vertibird (because the Sole Survivor is an enemy of the Institute) as it takes off and start a firefight on the ground with the Brotherhood soldiers on the ground. This firefight will continue until the end of The Nuclear Option, as X6 will no longer be considered essential if the Institute is destroyed and can be killed by anyone, including the player character.
    • Simply warning Proctor Ingram beforehand garners no hostility or even negative affinity, just a reaction about how she might slow him and the Sole Survivor down by coming.
  • Proctor Ingram will address the player character as paladin when exiting the Vertibird onto the roof of Mass Fusion, even if they have not been promoted from the rank of knight.


  • PCPlaystation 4 It's possible to have Ad Victoriam not be given after completing Spoils of War.[verified]
    • Fix: Reload the game to a point before you made the decision to either choose the Institute or the BOS. Talk to Elder Maxson to make sure you start the quest Outside the Wire and From Within if available. Step into the Vertibird to start Spoils of War when these quests are completed.
  • PCPlaystation 4Xbox One After completion and once back at the Boston Airport, Ingram may remain silent and can't be interacted with (despite the quest marker above her head), thus making the final step of the quest impossible to complete.[verified]
    • One possible fix is to reload a save prior to accepting the quest, and during dialogue, insist to go alone to Mass Fusion building. She will stay at the airport and can be talked to when the mission is complete.
    • PC players can use the following console command to set the quest as completed: setstage bos303 255
  • PCPlaystation 4Xbox One If you destroy the Vertibird that you need to board just before accepting the quest while Ingram is outside, for example when the quest Liberty Reprimed is available, Ingram and the pilot will be on the ground under the Prydwen.[verified]
  • PCPlaystation 4 When attempting to board the Vertibird, some companions may just stand on the edge of the Vertibird, unable to board because Proctor Ingram is in their way. Seen with: Danse, Preston Garvey, Nick Valentine, and Strong.[verified]
  • PC You may get an event problem which causes no explosion to occur when riding the elevator with the agitator, which prevents completion of the quest. If fixed with console commands the next mission for Brotherhood will not be launched. [verified]
  • PC Sometimes during Spoils of War, when leaving to enter the quest specific vertibird, it randomly detaches itself from the docking station and flies away, leaving no vertibird to enter and the player gets stuck on the quest. This bug can be fixed by either reloading a previous save or fast traveling to another location and back. [verification needed]
Main questsAct 1War Never Changes ·Out of Time ·Jewel of the Commonwealth ·Unlikely Valentine ·Getting a Clue ·Reunions
Act 2Dangerous Minds ·The Glowing Sea ·Hunter/Hunted ·The Molecular Level
Act 3Institutionalized ·From Within ·Inside Job ·Underground Undercover
Side questsCambridge Polymer Labs ·Confidence Man ·Curtain Call ·Dependency ·Diamond City Blues ·Emogene Takes a Lover ·Here Kitty, Kitty ·Here There Be Monsters ·Hole in the Wall ·Human Error ·In Sheep's Clothing ·Kid in a Fridge ·Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution ·Mystery Meat ·Order Up ·Out in Left Field ·Painting the Town ·Pickman's Gift ·Public Knowledge ·Pull the Plug ·Reveille ·Short Stories ·Special Delivery ·Story of the Century ·The Big Dig ·The Devil's Due ·The Disappearing Act ·The Gilded Grasshopper ·The Memory Den ·The Secret of Cabot House ·The Silver Shroud ·Trouble Brewin' ·Vault 75 ·Vault 81
Companion questsBenign Intervention ·Emergent Behavior ·Long Road Ahead ·Long Time Coming
Miscellaneous questsArt Appreciation ·Atom Cats ·Botany Class ·The Cleaner ·The Combat Zone ·Detective Case Files ·Diamond City's Most Wanted ·Fallen Hero ·Find the Treasures of Jamaica Plain ·Fly Fishing ·Giddyup 'n Go ·Gun Run ·Hazardous Material ·Meet Ness at the Crash Site ·Nuka Cola Needs ·Pool Cleaning ·Prep School ·Traffic Jam ·Treasure Hunt ·Vault 81 Tour ·Virgil's Cure
Unmarked questsA Pillar of the Community ·Bill Sutton ·Brother Against Brother ·Familiar Faces ·Fertilizer Woman ·Holly ·Lucy Abernathy ·Maintenance Man ·Quality Assurance ·Supervisor Brown ·Supervisor Greene ·Suspected Synth ·Wedding Day
Cut quests20 Leagues Under the Sea ·Bullet ·Off the Grid ·Salvage ·That's the Spirit ·The Enemy of My Enemy ·The Replacement
Creation Club quests A Place to Call Home ·Burned on the River ·Can You See Me Now? ·Captain Cosmos ·Carbonated Concerns ·Dog Rescue ·Early Retirement ·From Hell ·Giddyup! ·Malevolent Malfunction ·Method to the Madness ·Pyromaniac ·Slocum's Joe ·Speak of the Devil ·The Prototype ·The Paper Mirror ·Tunnel Snakes Rule!
Brotherhood of SteelMain questsFire Support ·Call to Arms ·Semper Invicta ·Shadow of Steel ·Tour of Duty ·Show No Mercy ·From Within ·Outside the Wire ·Liberty Reprimed ·Blind Betrayal ·Tactical Thinking ·Spoils of War ·Ad Victoriam ·The Nuclear Option
Side questsA Loose End ·A New Dawn ·Cleansing the Commonwealth ·Duty or Dishonor ·Feeding the Troops ·Leading by Example ·Learning Curve ·Quartermastery ·The Lost Patrol
Commonwealth MinutemenMain questsWhen Freedom Calls ·Sanctuary ·The First Step ·Taking Independence ·Old Guns ·Inside Job ·Form Ranks ·Defend the Castle ·The Nuclear Option
Side questsClearing the Way ·Ghoul Problem ·Greenskins ·Kidnapped Trader ·Kidnapping ·Out of the Fire ·Raider Troubles ·Resettle Refugees ·Returning the Favor ·Rogue Courser ·Taking Point ·The Sight ·Troubled Waters ·With Our Powers Combined
The RailroadMain questsRoad to Freedom ·Tradecraft ·Boston After Dark ·Underground Undercover ·Operation Ticonderoga ·Precipice of War ·Rockets' Red Glare ·The Nuclear Option
Side questsA Clean Equation ·Burning Cover ·Butcher's Bill ·Butcher's Bill 2 ·Concierge ·High Ground ·Jackpot ·Lost Soul ·Memory Interrupted ·Mercer Safehouse ·Randolph Safehouse ·To the Mattresses ·Variable Removal ·Weathervane
The InstituteMain questsInstitutionalized ·Synth Retention ·The Battle of Bunker Hill ·Mankind - Redefined ·Mass Fusion ·Pinned ·Powering Up ·End of the Line ·Airship Down ·Nuclear Family
Side questsA House Divided ·Appropriation ·Building a Better Crop ·Hypothesis ·Plugging a Leak ·Political Leanings ·Reclamation ·Pest Control
Add-on quests
Far Harbor
Main questsMechanical Menace ·A New Threat ·Headhunting ·Restoring Order
Side questsRogue Robot
Main questsBest Left Forgotten ·Cleansing the Land ·Close to Home ·Far From Home ·Reformation ·The Way Life Should Be ·Walk in the Park ·Where You Belong
Side questsAblutions ·Acadian Ideals ·Blood Tide ·Brain Dead ·Data Recovery ·Deadliest Catch ·Forbidden Knowledge ·Hull Breach ·Hunting the Hunter ·Living on the Edge ·Rite of Passage ·Safe Passage ·Search and Destroy ·Shipbreaker ·The Arrival ·The Changing Tide ·The Great Hunt ·The Heretic ·The Hold Out ·The Price of Memory ·The Trial of Brother Devin ·Turn Back the Fog ·Visions in the Fog ·What Atom Requires ·Witch Hunt
Vault-Tec Workshop
Main questsVault-Tec Calling ·Better Living Underground ·A Model Citizen ·Explore Vault 88 ·Power to the People ·The Watering Hole ·Vision of the Future ·Lady Luck
Side questsOverseer's Most Wanted
Main questsAll Aboard ·Taken for a Ride ·An Ambitious Plan ·The Grand Tour ·Home Sweet Home ·Power Play
Side questsA Magical Kingdom ·A World of Refreshment ·Amoral Combat ·Cappy in a Haystack ·High Noon at the Gulch ·Open Season ·Precious Medals ·Safari Adventure ·Star Control ·Trip to the Stars
14 Bible Verses about

Most Relevant Verses

Verse page
'>Genesis 34:28

They took their flocks and their herds and their donkeys, and that which was in the city and that which was in the field;

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'>Exodus 12:36Spoils of war game

and the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have their request. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.

Verse page
'>Numbers 31:9

The sons of Israel captured the women of Midian and their little ones; and all their cattle and all their flocks and all their goods they plundered.

Verse page
'>Deuteronomy 2:35

'We took only the animals as our booty and the spoil of the cities which we had captured.

Verse page
Neverwinter Spoils Of War'>Deuteronomy 13:16

'Then you shall gather all its booty into the middle of its open square and burn the city and all its booty with fire as a whole burnt offering to the LORD your God; and it shall be a ruin forever. It shall never be rebuilt.

Verse page
'>Deuteronomy 20:14

Neverwinter Spoils Of War Movie

'Only the women and the children and the animals and all that is in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourself; and you shall use the spoil of your enemies which the LORD your God has given you.

Verse page
'>Judges 5:30

'Are they not finding, are they not dividing the spoil? A maiden, two maidens for every warrior; To Sisera a spoil of dyed work, A spoil of dyed work embroidered, Dyed work of double embroidery on the neck of the spoiler?'

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Verse page
'>1 Samuel 14:32

The people rushed greedily upon the spoil, and took sheep and oxen and calves, and slew them on the ground; and the people ate them with the blood.

Verse page
'>1 Samuel 17:53

The sons of Israel returned from chasing the Philistines and plundered their camps.

Verse page
'>2 Samuel 3:22

And behold, the servants of David and Joab came from a raid and brought much spoil with them; but Abner was not with David in Hebron, for he had sent him away, and he had gone in peace.

Verse page
'>2 Kings 7:16

So the people went out and plundered the camp of the Arameans. Then a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the word of the LORD.

Verse page
'>2 Chronicles 14:13

Asa and the people who were with him pursued them as far as Gerar; and so many Ethiopians fell that they could not recover, for they were shattered before the LORD and before His army. And they carried away very much plunder.

Verse page
'>2 Chronicles 15:11

They sacrificed to the LORD that day 700 oxen and 7,000 sheep from the spoil they had brought.

Verse page
'>2 Chronicles 20:25

When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take their spoil, they found much among them, including goods, garments and valuable things which they took for themselves, more than they could carry. And they were three days taking the spoil because there was so much.

Bible Theasaurus

  • Spoils (45 instances)
  • War (759 instances)

From Thematic Bible

Dedication » Subjects of » Spoils of war

1 Chronicles 18:11

King David also dedicated these to the LORD with the silver and the gold which he had carried away from all the nations: from Edom, Moab, the sons of Ammon, the Philistines, and from Amalek.

2 Samuel 8:11

King David also dedicated these to the LORD, with the silver and gold that he had dedicated from all the nations which he had subdued:

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